Full Moon in Autumn: Musings on a Season ~ Lessons from Nature

– Judy N Green

Published 2018

Seasons of Verse: An Omniversal Anthology of Seasonal Musings

Eyes drawn to a dancing kaleidoscope of leaves, bursting with brilliance, announcing their imminent departure. Shades of crimson, ochre, and salmon, with scatterings of emerald jewels.

Each unique and distinct; reacting to the changes in the weather. Maples stubbornly holding on, resisting, or perhaps, simply determined to change on their own terms.

Ash and Beech eagerly embracing change, perhaps knowing that a respite is coming soon.

Tamarack elegantly acknowledging the change with a golden nod, while holding tightly onto their soft needles. Readying for the darkness descending.

Golden morning sunlight, dancing across quilt-like vistas of undisturbed forest, cultivated fields and dancing waves.

Brilliance at every turn.

Fall showers bathing dying leaves. Rainbows glimmering in the road spray of the traveler ahead.

Harvesters gathering the last of their bounty from land & sea.

Full Moon pregnant with promise, keeping a watchful eye on her precocious children.

Peoples of all nations gathering to celebrate the gifts of Mother Earth, with feasting, drumming and dancing.

Singers raise their voices in praise and gratitude as children dance around them. All of us stronger as one, because of our differences. The drums beat the rhythm of our shared heart.

All while evergreen warriors stand tall and hold space as we prepare to slumber.

My heart sings with the joys of this season – Autumn.

Judy N. Green


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