Next Steps & New Chapters
When one door closes another opens … and no never forget that there are also windows.
After being completely focused & consumed by partisan politics, I find myself needing to take a minute. A minute to take stock of what I have learned, what worked, what didn’t and where I want to focus my energies in future. It has been an education that I could never have afforded to pay for. An education in the workings of the human mind, hidden cognitive biases, logical fallacies and the ever-present illusion of power. I have also learned a lot about how equity, diversity and inclusion can be twisted and weaponized for political gain by toxic ally-ship. Watch for these themes in my coming novels.
Until then, I will be spending more time on my writing, painting and family. This is a, hopefully short, chapter of healing ❤️🩹, slipped in between the many epic chapters of my life.
Thank you for joining me.